El Tapiz de los Sueños
En el tapiz de su mente, teje un sueño,
Una visión de amor, como un suave arroyo.
Con hilos delicados de esperanza y deseo,
Pinta un cuadro del fuego apasionado de amor.
Imagina un amor que es puro y verdadero,
Una conexión tan profunda que renueva su ser.
Como una artista maestra, mezcla colores de confianza,
Creando un amor que es ilimitado y robusto.
En su sueño, el amor es una sinfonía de emociones,
Una melodía que resuena con pura devoción.
Visualiza momentos de risa y alegría,
Donde el abrazo del amor se convierte en su mejor estrategia.
Teje un sueño del tierno toque del amor,
De miradas furtivas y susurros que significan tanto.
En su tapiz, el amor es una danza sin fin,
Un ritmo que la envuelve en un trance sutil.
Con cada puntada y nudo, su sueño toma forma,
Una obra maestra de amor que está decidida a crear.
Imagina un amor que es leal y amable,
Un amor que soporta la prueba del tiempo.
Mientras teje, infunde su sueño con fe,
Creyendo que el amor la encontrará, sin importar la sombra.
Con paciencia y perseverancia, sigue adelante,
Sabiendo que su sueño de amor pronto se dibujará.
Porque en el reino de los sueños, el amor no conoce límites,
Recorre el universo, haciendo sus recorridos.
Y cuando llegue el momento adecuado, su sueño se hará realidad,
A medida que el amor encuentre su camino, trayendo sus sueños a la vista.
Así que teje, con esperanza en su corazón,
Sabiendo que su sueño de amor nunca se apartará.
Porque los sueños tienen una forma de guiarnos,
Y el amor llegará, a medida que sus sueños se hagan realidad.

Entre Sombras y Brillos
En un escenario oscuro, lleno de luces brillantes,
Baila una mujer con pasión deslumbrante,
Con cada movimiento, con cada paso,
Cautiva a todos con su encanto y su brillo.
Es una bailarina de cabaret, con alma insaciable,
Trabaja todas las noches, incansable e incansable,
Sus pies deslizándose sobre el suelo,
Su cuerpo enérgico y lleno de anhelos.
Con su vestido de lentejuelas y plumas de colores,
Ella se eleva por encima de los dolores,
Es su escape, su forma de expresión,
En el escenario, encuentra su redención.
El ritmo de la música la envuelve,
Mientras sus movimientos el corazón conmueven,
Cada noche es un nuevo desafío,
Para hacer brillar su arte y su talento con brío.
Los aplausos retumban en la sala,
La bailarina sonríe y se siente especial,
Pero detrás de su fachada de felicidad,
Lleva consigo una historia de lucha y tenacidad.
Porque cada noche, cuando la música se apaga,
La bailarina se enfrenta a su propia saga,
Enfrenta la soledad y la incertidumbre,
Pero nunca renuncia a su pasión y su cumbre.
Así sigue bailando, noche tras noche,
Luchando contra la adversidad y el derroche,
La bailarina de cabaret, incansable y valiente,
Ilumina el escenario con su arte y su mente.
Y aunque su historia a menudo se oculta,
Detrás de las luces y los aplausos tumultuosos,
La bailarina de cabaret, en su danza eterna,
Es un ejemplo de fuerza y belleza interna.

Sueños de Juventud en la playa
Collection «Girls in the Ocean Collection»
Alina Anon, 2024
Acrylic on Canvas
40 x 40 inches
…En la playa, una joven con un gorro encarna la esencia de la juventud y la sensualidad. Su figura, bañada por el sol, despierta sueños de belleza y esperanza. Cada gesto suyo es una danza de libertad y vida, mientras su mirada se pierde en el horizonte…

They Love Me Not
Collection Dreams
Alina Anon, 2024
Acrylic on Canvas
39 x 39 inches
«Es una historia de resiliencia y autoaceptación. A pesar de la ausencia de amor exterior, la flor encuentra su valía en su propia existencia. Aprende a amarse a sí misma, a encontrar belleza en su singularidad y a florecer a pesar de la adversidad. A veces, incluso cuando parece que el mundo nos ha dado la espalda, podemos encontrar fuerza en nuestro interior para florecer y brillar con luz propia».

Dream Big Dreams
Alina Anon, 2024
Acrylic on Canvas
39 x 39 inches
…»La pintura, en su esencia más pura, se convierte en un lienzo donde los sueños encuentran su expresión más vívida. Cada pincelada es un susurro de posibilidades ilimitadas, una invitación a explorar los confines de la imaginación y abrazar la grandeza que reside en nuestros sueños más profundos…»

Dreams Unveiled
Alina Anon, 2024
Acrylic on Canvas
25 x 47 inches
I would name the painting «Dreams Unveiled.» This title reflects the emotion of a woman waiting with anticipation, brimming with dreams and aspirations. It captures the sense of hope and possibility that fills her heart as she eagerly awaits the fulfillment of her desires.

Inocente Verano
Collection «Girls in the Ocean Collection»
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
«Un día me iré con el calor del verano. Llevaré en mi cabeza un sombrero con los lados arqueados. Caminaré bajo el sol abrazador, con el corazón hacia el viento. Un día me iré de aventura. Cuando reivindique mi libertad, haré lo que dure de las vacaciones que anhelé»

En los Brazos De Madre Tierra
Collection «Flowers Girls»
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
En el abrazo sereno de la madre naturaleza, la tierra canta su melodía ancestral. Susurros
suaves se entrelazan con el viento, llevando consigo la promesa de un renacimiento eterno. La
madre naturaleza susurra sus secretos antiguos, recordándonos nuestra conexión intrínseca
con ella. Es su eco silencioso, una invitación a sumergirse en su inmenso abrazo y recordar que
somos parte de un grandioso poema cósmico. .

Open your eyes
Collection «We Are All One» (Firenze Biennale)
Alina Anon 2023
Acrylic on canvas
23.62 x 30.71 inches
Un día, escuche el susurro del viento que hablaba de sueños no realizados y aventuras por emprender. Inspirada por esa melodía, decidí abrir mis ojos al resplandor del día, dispuesta a abrazar cada destello de luz que el mundo tenía para ofrecer… los ojos fueron un propio reflejo, una ventana hacia mi interior que se abría al abrazo cálido del sol y al abrazo suave de la luna, para iluminar cada uno de mis sueños.

We All Bleed The Same Color
Collection «We are all One» (Firenze Biennale)
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 31 inches
Open your eye to see that we all bleed the same color, and always choose to
love despite our differences.»

Lazos Invisibles
Collection «Mi caballo y yo»
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
40 x 40 inches
Our souls unite. The horizon unfolds before us as an invitation to let ourselves be carried by the wind. We move to the rhythm of nature. He, my horse, gives me the peace that my being longs for. I find in him, freedom We are one, together before the horizon. Free and powerful, like nature itself. And in our gallop, caressed by the whisper of the wind, I find the strength of the soul.

Abrazada por el Sol
Collection «Girls in the Ocean Collection»
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
11 x 15 inches
Avanzo y me pregunto: ¿cuántas almas habrán pisado ésta arena?, ¿cuántos corazones habrán latido junto al brillo de las olas? Elijo mirar hacia el pasado con nostalgia, porque es aquello lo que me hizo construir este presente. La brisa me acaricia los hombros y, con un suspiro, le entrego a la naturaleza una parte de mi alma mientras me voy, segura y sin límites, abrazada por el sol.

El Mar y Yo
Collection «Girls in the Ocean Collection»
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
40 x 40 inches
El mar y yo, un encuentro perfecto. La armonía entre naturaleza y universo. Sé que allí está mi hogar. Sé que siempre volveré. Y el mar siempre estará, recibiéndome con los brazos abiertos, para envolverme en el misterio de su grandeza e infinidad.

Mi Caballo y Yo
Collection «Mi caballo y yo «
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
32 x 24 inches
El día que decidí poner fin a mis miedos galopé hacia la libertad, despojándome de toda duda. Entendí el valor de confiar y la necesidad de ser. Y con una dulce caricia, apoyándome en su regazo, pude escuchar el latir de su corazón. Sincronizándose con el mío, invitándome a ser parte. Haciéndome parte de su pureza. Desde ese día fuimos uno. Mi caballo y yo. Y él, la otra parte de mi alma.

Free Spirit
Collection «Mi caballo y yo «
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
Cuando mi alma galopa al compás de la melodía de su dulce corazón, sé que puedo confiar en su andar. Mis manos recorren su pelaje y nos comunicamos, mágicamente, mediante una caricia. Sé que en esos ojos negros se encuentra la promesa de un sueño, así que me arranco los miedos, dejándome llevar por mi fiel compañero y por su espíritu libre.

Whisper Of The Sea
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
40 x 40 inches
Cuando el océano me envuelve, dejo que su braveza me lleve. La sal me acaricia los brazos y fijo la vista en el horizonte para tomar consciencia plena sobre nuestra infinitud. Nuestra, porque somos uno. Nuestra, porque el agua me abraza y retiene. Soy naturaleza. Soy fuerza. Soy energía vital. Soy el amor que brota de una lagrima compasiva. Soy aquello que se fue y aquello que vendrá. Soy eternidad encarnada. Y si prestas atención, quizás, me encuentres en cada suspiro del océano.

Donde Habita La Calma
Collection «Girl In The Ocean»
Alina Anon, 2023
Acrylic on Canvas
40 x 40 inches
Cuando la brisa me acaricia el alma y el agua me salpica los pies; me desarmo ante la naturaleza y expongo mi ser ante la fugacidad de aquel momento, inmortalizado por siempre bajo el manto invisible del recuerdo. Entonces, me refugio en la danza armoniosa de las olas, desdoblándome hacia afuera, para siempre encontrarme con aquello que hay dentro. Allí, donde habita la calma.

Collection «We are all One»
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 32 inches
El amor puede manifestarse de muchas maneras, desde la envolvente sensación de un ardor profundo en el pecho, hasta el saber distinguir al otro como un igual. El amor no es sólo la fusión de los cuerpos iluminados por la luz de la luna. El amor es entender que, allá afuera, existe un mundo lleno de personas que se encuentran y desencuentran constantemente. Es ver al otro tal cual es. Mirarlo, verlo, sentirlo. El amor es respeto y templanza, conocer los limites de anhelo y lo eterno del alma. Que nunca desaparece quien ama con pureza. Que podrán coexistir distintos caminos y mundos, pero siempre perdurará la estela del amor.

Dancing With My Soul
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 30 inches
When I wake up I remember that I am free. Free as a bird that flies without seeing what it leaves behind. Free as the waves, which come and go from the shore as they please, splashing your feet and leaving a part of your soul wet. Free as the breeze, secretly witnessing, like a silent spectator, the sighs of lovers. Free as a kite, a kite of dreams that lets itself be carried by the current, that flies high, without letting itself fall due to any turbulence.
I wake up, and the wind whispers the melody of a storm, and I find myself alone, dancing with my soul.

Despertar del Alma
Collection «Living your dreams»
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 30 inches
When I wake up, I can see colors. I advance, with fragile steps, towards the moment that awaits me. I know that the curve of my lips will not last forever, but I intend to do the impossible to protect it. The dreams that I thought that they were forgotten, they fall on me like petals. Petals that surround me and wrap me with their warmth. They are not far, just a few steps away. What I did not see before, materializes. There is no time or space. There are no whispers or masks. The petals spread around me, and I see in each of them the possibility that I previously thought was lost. Everyone around me is looking at me. I’m different. But their looks no longer cut me. His words do not deafen me. They are still asleep. Maybe I’ll have to be the one to wake them up.

Collection «Living your dreams»
Donada al consulado Argentino en New York
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 24 inches
Today, after years without recognizing myself, I ripped off the blindfold that covered my eyes. That whisper, vague and unmistakable, filtered through my ears and shook my whole body to the beat of a sweet melody. By keeping those notes from my childhood, I held onto the vague hope that I could find myself again. As if to the beat of the music, the beats caress my soul and I remember the one I used to be, with dreams intact and painted in colors. On that spring afternoon when my illusion-colored eyes were tinted with fear and I went to hide in some corner of my soul, hoping to return, but unable to come back.

When A Flower Is Reborn
Collection «Living your dreams»
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
Coward is not the one who fears, it is the one who has the option to be free and chooses to continue living between appearances. I am flowers. I am wind. I am energy. I am a soul that simulates a canvas that has not yet been painted. I am colors. Those that exist and those that still don’t, that I can create with my hands, with my eyes. I am a flower trying to be reborn. Although I sometimes I don’t understand how or where. I am life that flows where the gusts that drive the soul take it.
Now, I open my eyes. I am so many things. I am searching for more. I don’t want to miss it and lose myself again.

Collection «Living your dreams»
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
After taking the wrong boat, changing destinations, carrying suitcases empty of dreams, but full of doubts. Today, I can clearly see where I am going. I was shipwrecked in a sea of uncertainty. I was left floating between the currents of the waves which tickled my skin. The energy revived my soul. I was shipwrecked so many times where I felt like I could drown. I arose from the waves, to be reborn from the sand. To contemplate myself as one who contemplates the sea for the first time. With the astonishment generated by chance and the heart of a child.

Collection » Living your dreams «
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
I can see. I can hear. I can feel. I can be the shore of my own ocean. My eyes are open, and I can see. I am not afraid because, after all, I have learned to love (me). I have understood that there are no half things, that it is not worth getting your hands wet in the rain if you are not willing to dance under the storm. That storms have their charm and that, when you live, they are the echo of the heartbeat. That love generates passions and drives dreams. That the sigh of those who dream can generate the fall of a star. That it means nothing to live between masks if we all learn more than three languages, but nobody speaks the language of love.

Detrás De La Máscara
Collection «Living your dreams»
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
I advance. Closed eyes. I make my way through the shadows, prey to my dreams, locked in an ivory tower. My wings have been ripped off. Bone by bone. Feather by feather. Dream for dream. My wings have been ripped off so I can’t fly on my own. To convince me of everything that I yearn for, that I want, that I desire. Looking for who to be in every nook and cranny and trying to find myself in every gap. And, at the end, I have searched so much that, curled up in a corner of my soul, I came across the one that used to be. So close to my dreams. So far away from my nightmares. So far from reality and so prey to my mask.

Recuerda Quien Eres
Collection «Living your dreams»
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
32 x 24 inches
Whispers. I hear them when I move, when I’m in silence, when I feel. Whispers follow me wherever I go. They slip through my ears and sing the melody of everything that could have been. I try to dodge them, but the sound gets louder. The whispers are there. Where everyone can hear them, but no one stops to listen. They scare me. They shake me. They mobilize me. The whispers scream. They scream across the silence that runs through them. They scream loud and deep. The whispers don’t stop. I look at them for first time. They make their way through the recesses of my mind, like birds flying free towards the sun. And the melody of revelation filters through my senses, as whispers caress my skin as “remember who you are”.

Collection «Living your dreams»
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
Falling petals. Flying petals. Petals that come off the flowers that cover your eyes. Petals that wither before the promise of an ideal world, which is not yours. A world in which you have been locked up and limited.
They say that love manifests itself in many ways, even in the most misunderstood actions. They say to love you and protect you. But someone who loves you will understand that you are free and will not try to tame you while clipping your wings.
The chains have been broken and you are no longer what they expected you to be. Cold. Ice. Frost. They wanted you to be ice, but ice also burns. And like everything that burns, it causes pain.

Are You Free?
Collection «Living your dreams»
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
«Tell me.
Look at me and tell me.
Are you free?»

Alice in Wonderland
Alina Anon, 2022
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 30 inches
It is the Rabbit which Alice runs after and searches for endlessly in Wonderland, a symbol of her quest for knowledge. Just when things seem rather no sense the rabbit appears yet again, and Alice drives on through.

Inocente Verano
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
18 x 24 inches
This painting is framed
Un día me iré
con el calor del verano.
En mi cabeza estará pendiente
Un sombrero con lados arqueados.
Caminare sobre el sol ardiente
y mi corazón al viento.
Un día me iré a la aventura
Cuando reivindique mi libertad
Hare de mi lo que dura
Las vacaciones que espere y que perduran.

You Were My Everything
Collection “In My Own Skin”
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
If I’d never met you, I wouldn’t feel the pain of losing your sweet love. I love you so much; You were all I had.

In My Own Skin
Collection “In My Own Skin”
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 24 inches
I am me It’s hard to accept,
hard to see
My skin holds a story
That cannot be explained. Of course I’m not perfect But I can’t complain.

Girl and Water
Collection «Girls in the Ocean»
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
18 x 24 inches
“When they ask you why you love
the rain, the ocean, the river,
tell them
it is because unlike the people
who should have
love you better,
the water was never afraid
to touch you;
even when you where at your most damaged
and broken.” (Nikita Gill)

Beauty in Pink
Collection «Flower Hat»
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
I always wear pink
but I’m broken inside.
I always wear pink
For my extraordinary soul
that has nothing but a simple cut.

Always Love
Collection «Flower Hat»
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
Don’t keep your love a secret. Always love.

Like Waves of Ocean
Collection «Girls in the Ocean»
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
12 x 16 inches
«Her happiness floated like waves of ocean along the coast of her life. She found lyrics of her life in his arms but she never sang her song.» Santosh Kalwar

Spring has arrived at the beach
Collection «Girls in the Ocean»
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
12 inches x 16 inches
Spring is beautiful everywhere, but is always better at the beach.

She Loves the Ocean
Collection «Girls in the Ocean»
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
She loved the ocean because every time the waves left the shore, they always came back.

Floating in a Turquoise Sea
Collection «Girls in the Ocean»
Alina Anon, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
12 x 16 inches
«She would be half a planet away,
floating in a turquoise sea,
dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar.”
– Janet Fitch

Wearing a Mask
Collection “Flower Girl”
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
You wear a mask for so long,
you forget who
you were beneath it.

Collection «Miradas del Mundo»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20 inches
This painting is framed
The Quieter You Become,
The More You Are Able to Hear.

Collection «Taylor»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
12 x 16 inches
She is just a girl in the city.
Dressed the same, she’s uniformly pretty.
She knows it’s the time
She can read the signs
She can really change
In the city.
Livin’ in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin’ anywhere.
Just a city girl.
Strangers waiting
for the train.
Their shadows searching in the night
Train lights, people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night.

Woman in the Forest
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
20 inches x 24 inches
This painting is framed
“And into the forest I go,
to lose my mind
and to find my soul”.

Collection «Miradas del Mundo»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20 inches
This painting is framed
«If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies how very different our ideals of beauty would be.»

Collection «Miradas del Mundo»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20 inches
This painting is framed
«God created our skin tones with beautiful variety, but all of our souls are the same color.»

Collection «Woman and Water»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Panel
14 x 18 inches
This painting is framed
Once we break free from our challenges and we find our own mental and spiritual reawakening, we come alive once more.

Aquellos ojos verdes
Collection “Woman and Water”
Alina Anon, 2020
Oil on Panel
8 x 10 inches
A young woman looks to the future. Her future. Our future.

Tócame una canción
Collection «Lola»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
12 x 16 inches
Alina’s beautiful childhood friend Lola. Lola waits backstage waiting for a song that speaks to her heart.

Cebame un mate
Collection «Lola»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
12 x 16 inches
Alina’s beautiful childhood friend Lola. Argentinians will often sit for hours on a weekend afternoon sharing mate, talking with one another or listening to music.

Despertar II
Collection «Woman and Water»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
This painting is framed
Once we overcome our challenges and re-awaken our mind and spirits, we feel a calmness and confidence take over our mind and body.

Despertar I
Collection «Woman and Water»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
This painting is framed
Although «waking up» is part of our daily routine, sometimes life throws challenges in front of us that requires us to make dramatic changes. We find that only by more dramatically awakening ourselves, can we overcome these challenges.

Collection «Woman and Water»
Alina Anon 2020
Acrylic on panel
16 x 20 inches
This painting is framed
Life always throws new challenges at us. At first, they are uncomfortable and we can feel like we are drowning. We need to remind ourselves that these are opportunities for personal growth and self-awareness. Eventually, we break through the things holding us back, bringing us new enlightenment.
Post Malone
Collection «Musicians»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
At 25, Post Malone is an American singer, songwriter and producer. Post blends rap with R&B, country and grunge rock. Calling himself the «White Iverson» in this debut album, he says he learned to play guitar on «Guitar Hero» and YouTube. His life is one of immense natural talent, commitment, excess and decadence.

Collection «Woman and Water»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20 inches
This painting is framed
We all feel like the world can be overwhelming. Sometimes we need to be very still and listen to our own heartbeat as we admire the simple beauty in the world around us.

Fatat Jamila
Collection «Miradas del Mundo»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
This painting is framed
We all deserve equal opportunity. Many Arab countries entered the 21st century still clinging to restrictions on women’s rights to education, work and political activity; issues long since resolved in other parts of the world. As history shows, change takes time, commitment, perseverance and sacrifice. This painting is dedicated to all Arab women past and present who are working to redefine the role of women in the Arab world and beyond.

Mariposa Negra
Collection «Miradas del Mundo»
Alina Anon, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
This painting is framed
I’ve been inspired by the strength and determination of those fighting for racial justice in America and throughout the world. I wanted to capture the beauty behind this movement. The woman and butterfly depicted in the painting both share similar qualities. They both symbolize endurance, change, hope and life.